Pembroke is part of the 6th Plymouth District, (State House of Representatives) which includes Precincts 2 and 3 of Hanson, Precincts 1,2,4,5 of Pembroke, all Precincts of Duxbury, Precinct 1 of Marshfield, and Precinct 2 of Halifax. Our State Representative is Josh Cutler, the first Democrat to fill the seat on Beacon Hill since the Civil War.
Pembroke is also in the Plymouth Barnstable District, (State Senate) which also includes Kingston, Plymouth, Bourne, Falmouth, and Sandwich. The State Senator is Susan Moran, a Democrat in her first term.
It is increasingly difficult to find local news resources. The Voice is a conservative voice emailed newsletter that covers the politics of the towns of the 6th District. Don Bryant of Pembroke and Annette Benenato of Hanson are editors. You can subscribe by emailing here. The Pembroke Mariner and Express posts a weekly online newspaper that covers area towns with daily updates on their Facebook page.
The Pembroke Town website is here.
Town Bylaws are here.
The Massachusetts Municipal Association has published the Handbook for Massachusetts Selectmen. This is a 264 page ‘nuts and bolts’ guide to the responsibilities, laws, and resources for Select Board members. Any active resident will find this a “go to” resource for local town government.
General Information on Massachusetts Town data.
The Massachusetts Voting Process
Massachusetts Office of Campaign and Political Finance - this site allows you to track donations to all candidates, as well as the spending and income of all candidates. Click on "Reports" for this specific option.
The Massachusetts Fiscal Alliance advocates for fiscal responsibility, transparency, and accountability in state government and increased economic opportunity for the people of our Commonwealth. Instead of confronting the hard fiscal challenges ahead of us, many of our leaders refuse to offer sustainable solutions. Small businesses and entrepreneurs are suffering, unemployment and underemployment are rising and state spending is unsustainable.